You are God’s work of art and even more, a work of His heart.

— Karen Moore, Wellspring

Someone is reading your faith story with every encounter they have with you.

— Karen Moore, Wellspring

Put a little extra love and harmony into your family life today.

— Karen Moore, Wellspring

It’s a brand new day and you are lookin’ good!

— Karen Moore, Wellspring

When is the last time you gave yourself a “play” date?

— Karen Moore, Wellspring

Imagine trusting and believing God so much today, that your faith could move mountains!

— Karen Moore, Wellspring

From God’s view, you’re beautiful just as you are.

— Karen Moore, Wellspring

We’re always God’s children and so our training doesn’t end, no matter what age we are.

— Karen Moore, Wellspring

We’ll all succeed if we pull together.

— Karen Moore, Wellspring

Miracles of life surround us and everywhere we look, there are reasons to sing God’s praises.

— Karen Moore, Wellspring

What God wants from us is to be kind; always kind.

— Karen Moore, Wellspring

Home is the refueling station for your energy and spirit.

— Karen Moore, Blessings From God for Women

God needs your smile, your kind words, and your energy to create goodness.

— Karen Moore, Blessings From God for Women

Love, both tough and tender, and steadfast and growing is the motivation behind all we do.

— Karen Moore, Blessings From God for Women

Each time you recount a blessing, it blesses you again.

— Karen Moore, Blessings From God for Women

Where your heart guides, blessing resides.

— Karen Moore, Blessings From God for Women

If you can put a hug in an email or shine a light so someone can see the road ahead a bit better, then that’s a worthwhile effort.

— Karen Moore, Blessings From God for Women

You’re not only an inspiration, you’re somebody’s miracle.

— Karen Moore, Blessings From God for Women

How you give of yourself for the good of other human beings, makes a difference.

— Karen Moore, Blessings From God for Women

Our words may fall short of eloquence, but they need never fall short of kindness.

— Becoming a Woman of Worth

Lord, give us the strength to overcome the obstacles we put in the way ourselves.

— Becoming a Woman of Worth

Lord, I thought I needed “me” time, but I really needed “You” time!

— Becoming a Woman of Worth

Lord, my ship-wrecked heart clings to You, my life preserver!

— Prayers from the Heart

Lord, I lay down my weaknesses before You now, and I pick up Your strength to get me through the day.

— Prayers from the Heart

Lord, help me to take a heart-shaped view of the world today.

— The Heart-Shaped Life Journal

Love gives second chances…maybe even third.

— You’re Worth More than Rubies

You’re a one-of-a-kind woman…a unique design, handmade and hand-picked by God.

— You’re Worth More than Rubies

God is making a comeback and He wants to come back to You. Invite Him in!

— You’re Worth More than Rubies

A smile warms your face, radiates your heart, and doesn’t cost a thing…keep smiling!

— You’re Worth More than Rubies

The Author of the universe, made you the star of your own life story. How will you play your part today?

— You’re Worth More than Rubies

When God asks, “What can I do for you today?” as He did with Solomon, how will you answer?

— What a Great Word

We only own the things we are willing to give away.

— What a Great Word

Imagine how many times God has had to be patient with you. Be patient today.

— What a Great Word

Feelings are fickle; faith is steadfast.

— What a Great Word

Grace is our oxygen and it allows us to breathe despite the smog we create ourselves.

— What a Great Word

God can fix the fix you’re in!

— What a Great Word

Motherhood is the role of a lifetime where we learn many things about ourselves.

— Every Day Is Mother’s Day

Some days you’re a champion of possibility. You gladly embrace the hope God has placed in your heart.

— Every Day Is Mother’s Day

Though the job may change through the years, one thing never changes. Once a mom, always a mom!

— Every Day Is Mother’s Day

It’s amazing how often you get it right as a mom! You make God smile!

— Every Day Is Mother’s Day

Mom is the CEO of the family–the Chief Everything Officer!

— Every Day Is Mother’s Day

Whether you’re pumping some iron, or doing some ironing, God is there to keep you strong.

— Every Day Is Mother’s Day

You can’t really go back in time, but you’ll always be your Heavenly Father’s amazing child!

— Every Day Is Mother’s Day

Love has no time or season. It exists and is to be celebrated every day of the year!

— Every Day Is Mother’s Day

Shift your focus: Stop counting your miseries, and start counting your blessings.

— Karen Moore, It’s Still Possible

Think bigger and bigger, and brighter and better, because you serve a Great Big God and He makes all things possible.

— Karen Moore, It’s Still Possible

Be daring, be different, be impractical. Be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the “play-it-safers,” the creatures of the commonplace.

— Cecil Beaton, It’s Still Possible

Cast your bread upon the waters of faith and see what God returns to you.

— Karen Moore, It’s Still Possible

God is willing to give you the strength you need if you’re willing to give Him the courage of your convictions.

— Karen Moore, It’s Still Possible

Whether you’re a beacon or a booklight, you were meant to shine.

— Karen Moore, It’s Still Possible

Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered, but no one was there.

— Author unknown, Strength for Your Soul

God does not ignore those in trouble. He doesn’t hide from them but listens when they call out to Him. Psalm 22:24, NCV

— Scripture

The house of my soul is too small for You to enter: make it more spacious by Your coming. It lies in ruins; rebuild it.

— St. Augustine, Strength for Your Soul

A believer understands that as a human being, they don’t have much to offer God or the world; but as a faith-filled being they have infinite possibilities to make a difference.

— Karen Moore, Strength for Your Soul

A little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but a LOT of faith will bring heaven to your soul.

— Dwight L. Moody, Strength for Your Soul

I didn’t always stick with God, but He always stuck with me.

— Denzel Washington