By now, you’ve lived long enough to know how the cow ate the cabbage, so to speak! You have a good sense of what you like, what you don’t like, and how to create your world in a way that feels satisfying. In fact, you’ve done it so long, you barely have to think about it. Now if your comfort level was all there is to talk about, you’d be in good shape. In fact, you might even resist anything that tries to move you off the path you’ve come to know and love.

But, imagine for a moment, that there’s more. That there’s amazing stuff you missed along the way, stuff that is still waiting for you to grasp it. What if opportunity is still knocking on your door?

For some people the energy and the time it took to become a worldly success, was a barrier to discovering those things that truly inspire your soul. So, if that is the case for you, you have amazing gifts left to open, and visions left to explore. Unlike those past dreams that required you to do most of the work, this one only asks you to get out of the way, to stop, and listen. This one thrives on getting to know you from the inside out. Oh, God has always been there. He has indeed helped you create the amazing life you have, but sometimes He wants you to get off the merry-go-round, and simply stop everything else. He wants you to notice all that He has been doing in your life, from the day you were born.

Like any proud parent, He loves your success, and He beams at what you’ve accomplished, but He’d like to know that you realize He was behind the scenes, empowering you, equipping you, and opening doors for you. He wants you to come often and talk with Him about all you’ve learned and what you still might wish for. He wants the two of you to be in a remarkable relationship, because it’s the one relationship you can have for eternity. It’s the one chance you truly have for a love that lasts forever.

Of course, you can keep doing everything on your own. You can continue to move along giving God a passing nod now and again. He won’t abandon you, but you will miss the best part of your life. You will miss knowing the One who loves you unconditionally, who wants only your good, and who is there for you at every crossroads you ever face. Of course, God can wait. He’s not restricted by time and space, but all your days were recorded in His book before you were born. He hopes you’ll come to talk with Him like good friends do.

In fact, today is a great day to give Him a call!
