When you lose your car keys, it’s irritating, especially if you were trying to get somewhere and the clock is ticking! If you lose your gloves, you probably only miss them when there’s a chill in the air. Jesus talked about the woman who lost one of her ten coins, and about the shepherd who left the 99 sheep to go after the one that had strayed away. Both the woman and the shepherd celebrated when they found the thing that was lost.
With a little effort, you find your keys, and if you can’t find your gloves, you probably buy a new pair, but what do you do when you feel lost? What happens when you feel like you’re just wandering around, living without much purpose, and wondering what you should do next? It’s unlikely that the local Lost and Found department can help. What can you do when you feel more lost than found?
Probably the first thing to do is go to the One who set up shop on planet earth simply to find the lost. Jesus came to find the lost sheep and bring them back to the fold. The times may have changed since Jesus was on earth, but the sheep are still lost, and the shepherd is still going out to search for them. Jesus wants to light your path so you can find your way home again.
If you ever feel like you belong in the Lost and Found, remember that like the woman searching for the lost coin, you may have to sweep out some old thoughts and ideas, or be willing to move some things into the past that keep you from finding yourself in the present. When you do, you’ll discover lots of reasons to celebrate being you. You’ll want to call your friends and tell them how happy you are.
Being in the Lost and Found isn’t comfortable. We don’t like losing our bearings. But like your keys that have been in plain sight all along, you’ll soon find your way again.
Keep in mind, the Good Shepherd always knows where you are.