Most of us wrestle a bit with the idea of courage. We might give ourselves extra points for the courage we have to pursue our dreams, to stand up for a cause, or to demonstrate our skills and talents. We might applaud the courageous acts we see exhibited by the unsung heroes who are first responders, classroom teachers, and daily caregivers. We get the idea of courage, I suspect quite well, until we face something that requires us to dig deep down in our courage bucket and see what’s there. Of course, sometimes we don’t realize how much courage we have until we have to tap into our own reserve. So, here we are in a world where people are anxious about nearly everything and wondering how to get out there and face each day with courage. 

One of my friends, gave me a cross-stitched bookmark that she had made with the words, “Courage, dear heart.” She gave it to me at a time when I was going to speak in front of a couple hundred women. I like speaking to women’s groups, but no matter how many times I do it, I always feel a bit anxious. The good news for me though is that I have a chance to build my courage and my confidence each time I speak somewhere. I can grow in courage and that’s a nice thing. How about you? How do you grow in courage?

Joshua 1:9 gives us some encouragement. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

I’m thinking we should keep this scripture handy because we can use it every day. In my case, I like to start it from the last phrase. I like to say, “Because God is with you wherever you go, you need not be dismayed or frightened. You can be strong and courageous.” For me, knowing God is with me is the real message. It’s the part that reminds me that no matter what is going on, my strength comes from the Lord. My work is in His hands. My steps are orchestrated by His love and faithfulness. That means, I can shed the weight of fear, and step into the light. That means I can face today with gusto whether I’m ready or not. That means I am not alone, no matter what I might have to do. 

Let’s help each other be more courageous, more certain that we never face anything alone, for God is with us wherever we may go.

Be of good courage today, for God sees you and holds you in the palm of His hand.

Blessings, my friends.