Making progress! Moving on! Yes, that’s what we want. We want to feel like we’re getting somewhere and that what we’re doing is worth the effort. We want to stop looking back and just keep our faces toward the sun. Oh, that sounds good! 

So, what gets in the way? Why is it that we often take one step forward and two steps back? From a secular perspective there are a number of things we could talk about here, but let’s work on this thought as people of faith. Why do we still find ourselves standing behind the obstacles?

If you’ve been trying to meet a new goal but haven’t gotten there yet, consider some of these ideas. To get started on anything important, you have to take it to God. God is the greatest resource we have for getting things done. When we start with Him in heartfelt prayer, ready to listen and consider any direction He gives, good things happen. With this step, we let God know we care about what He wants for us. We care about the relationship we’re building with Him. Even good things like volunteering and joining groups, can keep us from what we are meant to do. In prayer, we discover the truth of anything we clearly believe is important. 

Once we’ve prayed and are confident we’re on a good track, then moving forward should be easy. Right? No, not really! Just because it sounds like a good idea, you still may have to gather additional tools or skills to get the job done. It may mean you have homework to do and people to meet. It may mean you’re the right person for the job, but you’re not quite fully equipped. Diving into Scripture could allow the Holy Spirit to reveal possibilities to you, things you may have not considered.

If you have fears or doubts, they can cause you to procrastinate, putting off till tomorrow the things that would move you ahead today. You’ll invite interruptions, distractions, and endless reasons why you have other things that must get done before you can get back to this one thing…the thing that is your calling.

How do I know all this? I know because I’ve done it many times. When I have a new book idea and feel clearly that I have understood the direction God would have me go, I still will hesitate. I’ll question whether I heard God right, or whether I should give it more time before I start. All I understand now is that if I don’t move forward, eventually God will give that assignment to someone else. Believe me, I’ve had it happen to me.

So, today, let’s make some progress. Let’s make sure we love the idea we want to pursue. Let’s pray about the idea until we are clear that we have the green light from God. Let’s keep praying about the idea with every step of the development, seeking counsel from others, and support from Scripture. Let’s not overthink it or put off the things that we know without any doubt are ours to do. After all, God has already gone ahead of you, and He knows exactly where you’ll end up. Just trust Him! He’s right there with you!