I love some of the Old Testament Scriptures because they often create a picture that’s fun to imagine. Consider this one from 1 Samuel 3:11. The Lord is talking to Samuel and He says, “See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears about it tingle.”

What kind of news would cause your ears to tingle? We will define “tingle” as meaning that this news causes some kind of emotional reaction. It makes you smile, or express surprise. It makes you wonder what’s going on. You itch to hear more so you can understand what to think or what to do. You tingle with excitement. So, what is it? What kind of news is everybody talking about, questioning, or checking for validity? Samuel didn’t have to worry about fake news or biased reporting. He had one Source and He trusted everything that was revealed to Him. He may not have known exactly what God was going to do, but he realized it would impact everyone. 

It’s worthwhile to consider that we are also impacted by what God is doing in the world today. He’s been doing things in every generation to cause people to sit up and take notice. He’s been searching for people with “ears to hear” what He has to say. It might be more difficult for God to find those people today, but find them, He will. God is stubborn. He is stubborn about loving us. He is stubborn about watching over us and caring about us all the time.

We are news junkies. We live in a world where news is always buzzing. We may wonder who to listen to, or how to think. We may imagine everything is too big for us, too threatening, beyond our control. The good news is that God is still doing something that will make our ears tingle. God is still in control of governments and authorities on earth. He is in the midst of any battle we’re facing, whether it’s physical, emotional, political, or spiritual. 

It’s time to put your ear to the ground and listen for His voice. Look up, look around, and look inside your heart, because God is always talking. If you have ears to hear, they should be tingling today.

May your blessings abound, dear friends!