Got 10 Minutes for God?
Welcome! God wants to spend time with you...even just ten minutes!
Every few days, I will post a devotion for you to use as you seek to spend more time with God. If you have a comment, questions, or a prayer request, please send me a message.

Oh, What a Wonderful Morning!
Lord, every morning you hear my voice. Every morning, I tell you what I need, and I wait for your answer.
Psalm 5:3, NCV
Devotional Thought
When you choose to begin your mornings in God’s presence, sharing your heart and mind, telling Him the details of the challenges you face, you eventually realize your day just goes better. It goes better because your eyes are open to possibilities in every circumstance. Your heart recognizes God’s hand at work in ways you might have otherwise missed. You find yourself experiencing life in a way that is more pleasing to your soul, and more satisfying to your spirit.
Sure, you’ll still have obstacles to navigate and people to try to understand, but you’ll realize God is with you. You start the day together, and He stays beside you. What a wonderful morning it is, indeed!
Ponder This
God is our true Friend, who always gives us the counsel and comfort we need. Our danger lies in resisting Him; so it is essential that we acquire the habit of hearkening to His voice, or keeping silence within and listening, so as to lose nothing of what He says to us.
François Fénelon
Coffee with Jesus
Things started changing
The day I made a choice
To rise a wee bit early,
To listen to God’s voice.
I grab my morning coffee,
At the breaking of the day,
And as we meet together
God guides me on my way.
Karen Moore
Dear Lord,
Nothing fills my heart with joy as much as knowing You are near, that You are willing to spend time with me each morning. With You by my side, I can do all that is mine to do and so I pray for wisdom and patience and a heart of love.
Study Questions
- What could you do to make your morning time with God even more effective?
- Write down one encouraging thought that came to you from your morning devotions. Why was it meaningful to you?
- What do you think is the best part of spending time with God?
Your first words every morning should be,
“Here I am, Lord, send me!”
John Mason
How would you lovingly convince someone you know to spend time with God each morning?