Most of us can probably relate to the psalmist, when he asked God, “How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?” 

We all walk around with stories in our heads. Sometimes they are sweet memories that give us joy. Sometimes they are critical assessments that try to determine our value. Sometimes they are incomplete stories, half-truths, half fiction, but they’ve been there so long, you’re not sure which is which. 

King David had stories in his head too. He had thoughts of the great things he had done that pleased God. He had thoughts of the sinful things he’d done that God had to forgive. His enemies tried to overwhelm him, taunt him that maybe God would not show up this time. Maybe God had reached His limit with His willingness to forgive David once again. Those things perplexed David the same way they perplex us. The thing is that God sees our whole story. He knows every chapter and verse of who we are, and He knows nothing will keep Him from loving us. David was a man after God’s own heart, and you are too. When David was at his best, he prayed. When David was at his worst, he prayed harder. In Psalm 13, after David bemoans all his sorrows of the heart, God changes his attitude and gives him a new story. David remembers all that God has done for him in the past and rejoices. He remembers how loved he truly is. 

If you have stories that drag you down, cause you grief, or make you feel unworthy of God’s love, stop everything and share your thoughts with God. Tell Him that He is your favorite story, the best story you have ever heard and that you come to Him with confidence that He sees you, forgives you, and loves you without conditions. When you feel defeated, ask God to show you a story of victory. When you wonder if you’re worthy of God’s love and mercy, give Him thanks and praise. 

Prayer can change the stories in your head and the attitudes you carry with you through the day. Prayer is not just a nice thing to do, it’s the only thing to do with the power to make a difference right now.  As one writer said, “Prayer is love in need, appealing to love in power.” 

God wants you to live a story that makes your heart sing with joy.