As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I’m reminded of the gifts we’ve each been given. Our Creator was generous when He designed that part of us that takes ideas and turns them into beautiful works of art. It all starts with a vivid imagination, a desire to bring something to life, to renew it or design it, or simply work with it to make something wonderful. You don’t have to be a commercial artist or musician to display your talent for creating a beautiful home, or for tending a magnificent garden, or leading the orchestra. Your talent speaks for itself.

God may have imagined everything He’d do before He started His work, speaking into existence the very ground we walk on. As we look at the entire plant or animal kingdoms, it seems His imagination has no end. He had fun with color and texture and details that may even escape the human eye, but nothing escaped His eye.  You too are part of HIs design and His creative imagination. He knew exactly why you needed to be here at this point in time. He knew what you would bring to those around you and what gifts you had to share. You were one of His big ideas and you know that because with God there can only be big ideas.

This week as you consider the things that make you grateful, thank God He still imagines a world where people can connect to each other with joy and respect. He believes in the human spirit and hearts that can serve each other with compassion. He imagines us enjoying a harvest of the fruit of His labors, sharing what we have by way of talents and kindness, and remembering that even if we have forgotten, even if we need a reminder, that God still imagines our best selves. He trusts us to remember too.

Go ahead and paint a picture, decorate a beautiful cake, create something amazing and then be grateful for the gifts you have that go beyond imagination. When God imagined you, He was creating some of His best work ever. Personally, I’m grateful for everyone who keeps the light on so we all can stand in the glow.