From my book, It’s Still Possible


God may not have needed a blueprint or a rough draft to wind up with a masterpiece, but we do. We need a fresh canvas, a vision, or a great idea before we can create anything new or even if we want to polish up an old idea. It’s just not in our skill set to be able to create something out of nothing. We have to surround ourselves with plans and ideas, wads of paper that represent our discarded attempts, and stories from others, complete with photos to give us inspiration. If things go well, we may just stumble onto an idea that we play with, manipulate, build, and rebuild, until it becomes our personal masterpiece. No doubt, our achievement will surprise us as much as it surprises others. 

So, what do we need to be able to work more efficiently and effectively? The writer of Ephesians tells us that once Jesus entered the earth’s arena, He brought a bright new canvas, a clean slate, and a finished manuscript. He made it possible for us to do the good things that would please God. With the help of Jesus then, we not only become a more useful piece of art, but we become something entirely new and extraordinary. We are a masterpiece that is a unique and incredible design. If we accept the work of our Designer and take it to heart, we become a work of art that God can showcase. We become part of His beautiful plan for His children everywhere. 

Imagine that Jesus has handed you a clean slate, a chance to sketch a new plan, create a new design, upgrade the image you have of yourself. Initially, you may not be certain of all it will take for you to create something beautiful. That’s okay. You don’t have to know everything because He will never leave you. He will stand with you through all things and give you what you need to fill your canvas with amazing texture and brilliance. With your new perspective, you will see the gifts of grace and mercy that color your life from here to eternity. 

Here’s an eraser. Wipe out the limitations you’ve imposed on yourself so you can see all that God wants for you now. You are a glorious picture of His love. You may not even recognize the person you see in the mirror, because you will see a reflection of someone totally beautiful and loved. You will see the work of a master Designer, created by His love and faithfulness.

Ephesians 2:10 says, “We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” 

Wow! Look at you now!