Human beings find numerous ways to make the existence of God complicated. After all, we like to put our own spin on the person of God so we can grasp it in a way that makes sense to us. If we truly believe God exists, then one thing that makes it very clear is to say, “God is!” The thing that makes God different from us is that He doesn’t have to go any further. God is…period!   In our case, we’d say, “I am, I was, or I will be.” We don’t remain the same. We move along a timeline and then our earthly existence passes. Not so, with God. He is today, and He is in the past, and He is in the future. Same God, always right there.

Perhaps for us, it helps to realize that no matter how old we are, we can still count on the God who was there for us as a child, the One who is there for us now, and the One who will be with us when we arrive at the gates of Heaven. That means the more we get to know Him now, the more we’ll recognize His hand at work in our lives. We’ll be comfortable in His Presence. We’ll know that He didn’t fade away with yesterday’s dreams, nor is He waiting till some future time to help us. He is now and forever! 

The problem we all have, right along with those wayward children of Israel is that we keep trying to make God into something He isn’t. We try to make Him into our own image. If we can carve out a god that we create, then we feel more in control. Those ancient desert wanderers, were led by God every day, and every night, and yet, at the first opportunity, they pooled their resources and made the image of a bull. Why that was somehow comforting, I’ll never understand. Clearly, they weren’t connected to the God who is.

The character of Hamlet thought “to be, or not to be” was the most important question. In other words, “to exist, or not to exist” was the question. To me, that’s a bit short-sighted. My brief stay on earth is scarcely relevant. What feels more important to me says, “God is, or God isn’t, and that is the question.”   I sure hope you discover the answer for yourself because what will be in your future depends a lot on who you think God is today.

Yes, I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor ruling spirits, nothing now, nothing in the future, no powers, nothing above us, nothing below us, nor anything else in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39, NCV.