This blog may seem familiar to my readers of What a Great Word. I paired it with the Scripture that says: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28, NIV

God works! 

Say it out loud! Say it with energy and enthusiasm, because each time you say it, you’ll understand the absolute genius of what God has done. If you take it to mean that God works within you to change your point of view about life and the things you do, you’d be correct. If you think it means God works on your behalf to be sure you have what you need on earth and in heaven, you’d be on the right track. If you take it to mean that God never rests, that He never sits idly by when life is moving around like so many bumper cars in a ring, you’d also be right. 

Perhaps you see that God works in your life in very specific ways. When things are going a bit haywire, He moves in to improve the situation, repair the damage, and bring peace to your soul. God works for you.

If you think of God as “The Works,” the One who is the all-together, embraceable answer, the One that gives you everything as though you were the only person He has to care for, you’d be right there too. God gives you the works to help you enjoy the greatest adventures of life. He won’t withhold anything from you, even when you don’t know to ask Him for what you need. He loves you and He wants you to receive the works from Him, everything that He has in His arsenal. He knows the reason you were born and the work you were called to do, and He wants you to discover that truth for yourself. 

Yes, God works for those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose. He does it out of love for you, and He does it because as God, He can do no less. The best part is, He does this even if you don’t notice or acknowledge His grace and mercy. God works tirelessly, endlessly, steadfastly, pouring His love on you, His dear child. If you ask about Him, draw near to Him and seek to know Him, He’ll give you the works…eternal love, grace, peace, forgiveness, and joy. He will never give up on you.

If anybody asks why you trust in God, you can simply say, “God works!”