A theologian and hymnwriter named Frederick William Faber, born in 1814, said this. “Many a friendship, long, loyal, and self-sacrificing, rested at first on no thicker a foundation than a kind word.” Faber may be best known for his hymn called “Faith of Our Fathers,” but this quote resonates with us in the first blush of any friendship. After all, most of us share our best selves when we meet someone new. So, what is so important about speaking a kind word? 

Proverbs says, “Kind words are the honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” Again, in Ephesians we read: “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” The book of Micah proclaims, “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Imagine how amazing it would be if social media gave up the need to out-do, out-wit, or defile others and only shared words that are uplifting, energizing, and humane?

Perhaps one of our greatest assets as human beings is that we can literally bring comfort, encouragement, and lasting friendship to others simply by knowing when to speak, how to speak, and what to speak. Words communicate our values and the generosity of our spirits. Words create a relationship with others and when they serve to edify the heart and mind of those we encounter, they serve us well. 

When we consider the power of words, the opportunity of words to bring joy and blessing, it is good to be mindful of what we can do to speak kindly to one another. We all know what it is like to suffer the insults of a thoughtless word. The impact can last for days, even years. We may suffer every time harsh words fill the air. Perhaps we can’t stop those who dispense cruelty with their voices, but we can stop receiving their messages. Real power comes through kindness and a desire to leave others with a sense of connection and wellbeing. We want to send messages of hope and kindness, offering the honey that is sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. 

In any conversation, you have a choice to lay the foundation of lasting friendship, to build someone up who seldom receives tenderness, to make a difference that brings justice and hope. Walk humbly with your God in kindness and love. Receive His power of grace and mercy, for He alone spoke the world into existence.

Blessings to you today.