Thought I’d share this new poem. Hope you like it.


If God Lived Down the Street

©2024 Karen Moore



If God lived down the street from me,

I wonder what I’d do.

Would I walk by with head held high

And hope He never knew?



Would I peek in His windows

Or knock right on His door,

And run away as He showed up

Afraid to do much more?



Perhaps I’d bake some cookies

Or a lovely apple tart,

Or leave a little welcome note

Signed, “With all my heart.”



If He walked around the neighborhood

And waved as He passed by,

Would I pretend I didn’t see

Or look Him in the eye?



If God lived down the street from me

I’d mind my p’s and q’s,

And maybe I’d try harder

To follow in His shoes.



But I think it works much better

If I imagine God’s up there

And pretend He doesn’t know

The things I hide somewhere.



Yes, it’s easier to keep Him far,

To keep Him out of range,

For if He lived right down the street,

I’d probably have to change.



If God lived down the street from you,

Would you be the first to call,

Or would you close the curtains

And not welcome Him at all?



The funny thing is that I know

God’s in the neighborhood

And every day, He finds a way

To show us all that’s good.



God isn’t far away from you,

He lives right in your heart

And you might say, He’s there to stay–

You two will never part.



Yes, God lives down the street from me

And down the street from you,

And if you ever need a hand,

There’s nothing He can’t do!



Thanks be to God!