At one time you had a number of beliefs, things you had a strong feeling about or things you accepted as true. You may have had a belief in the basic goodness of human beings, or a belief in treating others with kindness. You may have had a belief about what you’d grow up to be, or where you’d live. You can name your beliefs.

Your beliefs about life and how to live in the world probably changed as you grew up, became more educated, and had more life experience. Your beliefs stemmed from your family of origin, your culture, or your community. They were part of the system that helped you interpret the ups and downs of life. As you’ve no doubt learned, some of your beliefs were actually false. They were influenced by the opinions of others. Eventually, you needed more than someone else’s opinion and searched for answers on your own. That’s when believing became possible.

You believe in God. You believe because you recognize that God is not just someone else’s idea; He’s your experience. Every action you take toward knowing God better, helps you understand why you believe. You are completely sold out, passionate, determined about what you believe. You don’t just say “I believe God is real.” You say, “I know God is real.” You know with every fiber of your being that God is your Creator, your Redeemer, your connection to eternal life. You believe because it’s a matter of heart and soul and that attachment leads you from here to heaven. You believe God is, and nothing can change your mind about that. 

God doesn’t set His agenda on the beliefs of human beings. He looks to the heart to discover what you believe. He knows your beliefs can change with the wind, with circumstances, and with age. What won’t change is what you truly believe. That’s what makes the difference in everything you will do in this world and the next. Ideologies, philosophies, thought leaders of every age may pass on their beliefs. What they believe though, will pass on with them.

Only God can help you sort the difference. All you need to do is believe with your heart, mind, and soul.