One of the greatest things about stories is that the good ones can be told over and over. In fact, the good ones should be told over and over again. Psalm 19:2 says, “Day after day they tell the story; night after night they tell it again.” If they are repeating the story that often, it must be a great one. Storytelling is God’s way of getting the word out about Himself. Early on, He reminded His children of the importance of sharing what He had done for them. Why? Because each generation had to frame the divine nature of God for those who come after them. They had to know God was real, and the only way that would happen was to have each person keep telling God’s story, day and night. 

Imagine what your life would be like if no one had ever told you the story of God’s saving grace and love. As you’ve seen before, history is really His Story: God’s legacy and the place we return to refresh our hearts and minds. Without the story, nothing would be possible.

Of course, the better you know the story, the more you know about God, the more interesting your story will be. When you can share the details of the powerful and miraculous deeds God did for the ancients, the more you can understand and relate to all the things God is still doing today. Your story becomes an inspiration to others, something they can then share as well. 

The golden cliche of storytelling is those four words, “Once upon a time.” Countries from around the world have been using that particular opening line for about eleven hundred years. It’s a line that suggests something interesting, perhaps even amazing is about to be shared. It’s one that transcends time and place because it doesn’t matter what the setting is, it just matters what the story is. You’ve got an incredible story to tell. You’ve got the story of the Good News of God, the Creator of the Universe and all He asks is that you share it with those around you. When you do, He will bring listeners who are ready to receive it.

Billy Graham said that you’re the only Bible some people will ever read. If that’s true, what part of the story will you be blessed to share the most? Even if you start your story with “once upon a time,” it’s certain that you will be telling the only story that actually concludes with “happily ever after.” God wrote the story from beginning to end and it’s a privilege to get to share it. 

You’ve got the story that bears repeating.