Now, here I am, eighty-five years old. I am still as strong today as I was the day Moses sent me out, and I am just as ready to fight now as I was then. Joshua 14:10-11, NCV
So, yes, you’re getting older! Getting older brings changes that may weaken your body, but they don’t have to weaken your spirit, and they definitely won’t weaken your soul. You’ve got what it takes to face the challenges the day brings. You’ve got what it takes because you’ve been growing in wisdom and discernment. You’ve been getting stronger in your faith and in the strength of your convictions. You’ve been being shaped and molded into the person God wants you to be. The years are a gift to you, so let them work for you. The people around you want you to shine.
It can seem easier at times to opt out. You can come up with pretty handy excuses, the kind no one would fault you for using. Unfortunately excuses, even good excuses, won’t move you forward. You were not designed to give up on the things God placed on your heart a long time ago. You may think you are too old, or too busy, or too out of shape to get back in the game. But the truth is, the only thing truly out of shape is your sense of youthful energy, the kind that goes on to win the day.
Joshua’s friend Caleb, from the Old Testament, lived to fight, not because he was a scrapper, but because he was a man on a mission. No matter how old he was or what his circumstances looked like, he had things to accomplish for God. He wasn’t going to give himself an easy out and he wasn’t giving people around him excuses either. He wanted to stand up and be counted because he knew he had what it takes to get the job done. You do too.
You may look in the mirror and imagine you don’t have any fight left in you. You’re anxious and discouraged, uncertain, and overwhelmed. Nothing meets your expectations. Maybe you can take a note from Joshua and make the choice to try again. Prepare for the bell to sound and fight with all you’ve got. Don’t do it just for yourself. Do it because it’s your calling, and the most fulfilling thing you can do. You are surrounded by the grace and mercy and direction of the Holy Spirit. You are equipped and ready. Let God know you are still there, still ready to suit up and go into the arena of life where you’ve been called to do His will.
The comforting fact is God sees you right where you are today. He sees your heart and He’s willing to give you the strength you need. Just give Him the courage of your convictions. Let Him build you up and renew your spirit and lead you for the sake of all those who need your unique gifts. You are ready, willing, and able! You can trust the God of all that’s possible to guide you toward your heart’s desires. That’s your mission!
Let’s pray!
Lord, I often feel defeated, and in that state, I know I don’t accomplish much. I pray today that You will strengthen and renew me in body, mind and spirit so I might stand up and fight for Your causes in this world. Amen