We recently celebrated Easter, a most important event on the church calendar. We remember the resurrection of Jesus because we know that in His life and death and resurrection, we are redeemed. We too can live and die and live again. We too can be the sons and daughters of God. We remember that like Jesus, we are simply visitors on this planet, here to do all we can with the life God gave us. We are born to help others remember how loved they truly are. When we love with our whole heart, and live with compassion and joy, we create opportunities for others to step into the light of Christ. We are ambassadors here, called to serve each person we meet.

The writer of Deuteronomy 11:18 was concerned about how well people would remember God’s love. He said, “Remember my words with your whole being. Write them down and tie them to your hands as a sign: tie them on your foreheads to remind you.” God knows that the more we are swept into the world, we are apt to suffer memory loss. We are so busy pleasing the world that we forget to please God. Indeed, sometimes we even imagine we are in control, or that we can live without God. So what can we do?

The writer of this ancient script tells us the best thing to do is make some kind of symbol, a lasting sticky note that is always with you. You can tie it around your forehead, your wrist, or around your hand. The point is you can create a visible reminder of God and all He has done for you. Why would you need it? You need it because sometimes life weighs you down to such an extent, you imagine God has deserted you, or believe He no longer cares about you. You can walk so far away from God, you cannot hear His voice, even though He is continually calling. He is always aware of you, looking to find ways to help you see Him and know Him better. God wants to be remembered as your Redeemer and as the One who knows everything about you. He loves you unconditionally, and He is willing to forgive any offense you’ve committed against Him. He draws near to you and simply says, “Remember Me!” 

God actually tried to make this easy for you. He placed a portion of His Spirit within you. He left His imprint throughout creation, and He gave you friends and family who can shine His light. He wants you to find Him, to search for Him and to know that He already lives inside you. He longs for you to discover He’s there.  You can embroider HIs name on a pillow, see His face with every rising sun, or simply speak HIs name. When you do, He’ll come to you with wide open arms. Don’t worry if you have forgotten Him. He remembers you, and He waits for you to know He’s with you always.

May you remember Him today and always keep a little bit of Easter in your heart.