Most of us are runners! Oh, we may not be doing marathons, but we’re running just the same.  We imagine we’re running to catch up because we’re already way behind where we thought we’d be by now. You might remember a song that Jackson Browne made famous called, “Running on Empty.”  It wasn’t about the mileage left in his fuel tank. It was about the sense that something within him hadn’t been nourished. No matter how fast he ran, he was still running on empty.  The song recognized that life was moving at such an amazing speed, he was missing the good stuff, the things that really mattered. He ran past the people who could make a difference in his life. 

The song worked because people recognized the truth in it. They pictured themselves in their youth, moving as fast as they could to make things happen. They saw how often they pumped themselves up with what could be, rather than by what they had. Some of them knew they had missed what was essential to their lives because they were running to catch up with what they thought was important. They were running on empty.

That may be a malady of humans, but it doesn’t have to be your story. The truth is that God is always ready to refuel you, energize you, and fill you up with those things that make a difference. He wants you to see His hand at work in the circumstances around you and in the work you do. He wants you to be nourished and healthy and strong, so that you can give more than you take. In His grace, you can walk in fullness and delight, instead of running. With God, you are always on time because He never leaves you behind. He’s there, ready to shine a light on all that’s good just for you. 

Today, take a few deep breaths and walk with the One who wants only the best for you. With His help, you will never feel depleted, or deprived, or have a sense that you are simply running behind. He’ll see to it that you’ll always have a full tank. Breathe in the holy, amazing, and loving presence of God. He’ll fill you up with all good things.