I lost my Facebook account last week. I was suspended because of some activity on my Instagram site which Facebook owns. Of course, it was all a surprise to me. I rarely use my Instagram account, but apparently some group had hacked in and started posting “Hidden Ads.” When I finally found that link it was loaded with porn sites. Besides making me heartsick, I couldn’t understand how this had happened. I instantly deleted Instagram. That’s where this story begins, and I share it to protect you from this kind of thing happening to you. 

After being told that my Facebook account, along with over six thousand followers had been suspended, I went online to see how to fix the problem and clear up the mess. I found a phone number titled Facebook Customer Service. A woman answered, announcing that she was Facebook Security. Her name was Jessie and she gave me all her ID information. I explained the situation and she seemed as horrified about it as I was, especially when I shared what I do for a living. She immediately set out to solve the problem which involved answering too many questions and I began to feel even more uncomfortable. Ultimately, she said we would have to notify my banks of the hack, which could include my bank accounts. She asked me for the phone number of my bank and said she would put me through on a secure line so the hackers couldn’t listen in on the call.

A man identifying himself as someone from my bank told me that Facebook had sent a message that my accounts were in need of greater security. He looked at my account and told me that the hackers were planning to deduct $2000 from my account that very afternoon. He said they were sending $500 to some porn site, and $1500 to buy bit coin. He said these transactions were pre-authorized and so the bank could not prevent them from happening. Of course, I protested that I had never authorized such things. He gave me all kinds of legal gibberish and finally said, he could stop the $500 after all, but not the $1500 one. I would have to go to my bank, get $1500 cash and deposit it in a bit coin account under my name, so the hackers wouldn’t get my money. Of course, I didn’t believe any of this so I asked to speak to a manager. Sure enough the “manager” was right there, ready to confirm this was the only way to prevent my money from being taken. 

I was kept on the phone for nearly an hour, advised not to share this with anyone, and to go to my bank directly for the cash. I did it, but only so I could leave the phone in the car and talk to a real person at the bank. They immediately agreed I was being scammed and so I stayed in the bank long enough for the scammers to drop the call. They didn’t get any of my money, and I felt truly stupid for listening as long as I did, though they were impressively good at their trade. I still don’t know how to get in touch with Facebook to try and reinstate my account because they make that exercise very difficult. If anyone knows how I can get through to them, I’d like to hear from you. 

It’s interesting how hard it is to report this to Facebook, even though they and Instagram hold a record for the scams run across their lines. 

It’s sad to me because I know a lot of people read my blogs on Facebook. I will be away from social media for a while. Please be aware of how well trained these scammers are. Even my banker told me she was recently scammed, and she works in a bank. It happens. Don’t let it happen to you.

Praying that God will expose and shut down the people who truly harm others with their scams.