It’s the time of year when many of us look more intentionally at those things we’ve tried to accomplish as the year began. We may have planted a seed to be more physically active, and now we’re enjoying the fact that we can climb the stairs without losing a breath. We planted some new ideas and tested some new opportunities. Some of them are growing nicely and will continue on to the coming year. Others have already fallen by the wayside. A few of your seeds may have helped someone else plant a new dream and so they are able to harvest the rewards now.

John 4:36 talks about the one who sows and the one who reaps, that is the one who plants the seed and the one who enjoys the benefit. It even says that some harvest a crop for eternal life. Wow! It’s one thing to do something that makes your life better, but imagine all those who reap the benefit of what you’ve done. You’ve enjoyed some little harvests along the way of life, sometimes with the help of others, always with the gift of God’s grace. 

One of the reasons we celebrate the Fall Seasons and holidays like Thanksgiving is that we’re grateful for those things that came to fruition, the ones we worked hard to accomplish, the ones that fill our hearts with joy. Some time ago, God planted you in a family, in a community, and in an environment where you could grow and be nourished. He gave you talents and experiences that would strengthen you so that you could survive moments of chaos and crisis when the winds of life changed. God knows you so well, He put you in the exact place you need to be, surrounded by the people you love giving you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. He walked with you through the lean times as well. You enjoy an abundant life because what you do blesses others, and who you are is a result of the gifts you’ve been willing to share.

As you think back on all you’ve sown, all you’ve accomplished, and all you’ve made possible, thank God again for trusting you with the work He wanted to accomplish. He didn’t just start at the beginning of the year to see what you could achieve, He started before you were even knit in your mother’s womb. He knew you before you knew Him. Consider God to be the One who sows, as you come to realize the amazing ways you are able to reap the benefits. You’ve harvested a lifetime of opportunities. Keep planting seeds. Keep nurturing ideas. Keep believing that God’s plan for you is to harvest joy from here to eternity.