You’ve probably had someone admire your creativity, and then say to you, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body!” Your friend may genuinely feel that way, but the fact is, everyone is creative in one way or another. Since the Creator of the whole universe, who had more imagination than any living soul will ever achieve, put a portion of Himself in each of us, it’s a given that we’re creative. You’re creative. Your friend is creative. It’s what you do with it that makes a difference.
The reason you can’t trademark an idea is because a lot of people can have the same idea. The one who can trademark it though, is the one who did something concrete with the idea. They published it, or manufactured it, or put it in some tangible form. In other words, they did something to make the idea their own.
You might say faith in God is an idea. For some people, it’s a nice idea, but not one they choose to work with in their daily lives. For others, it’s an idea to be discussed, studied, imagined and built on. They look for ways to add their unique spin on it because they want to own it for themselves. Like any idea, it only becomes yours when you personally do something with it.
You’ve been given amazing creativity, in fact, no one else is creatively you in quite the same way. God inspires your heart to see how you will develop the idea of His love and faithfulness. He knows when your idea of Him is personal, your faith in Him will go from simply being an idea, to being a reality.
Why not pull out that water color piece God inspired you to paint ten years ago, or the manuscript that still sits in a box under your bed? Why not go to the Source of all inspiration and seek guidance as to what you can do right now to fulfill your life purpose for Him?
You’re creative and what you do with the gifts God gave you matters. In fact it’s more like a big idea waiting to lift up your spirit and light up your soul. God gives you a new canvas everyday and He looks forward to seeing what you’ll do with it. Step out in faith, brush up on your scripture, and put a foundation under your idea. Your Interior Designer will help you along.
You’re already His masterpiece!