One of the good things about life is that we are continually learning new things. One area of great discovery is about learning not only what’s right, or what’s important, but also who’s important. Who’s important in your life? When you were brand new to the world, your parents and guardians were your go-to people. You knew you could count on them no matter what was going on. As you got a little older, you learned that other adults could also be in your corner, offering support and helping you learn things. Eventually, you stepped out into the world on your own sea legs and you hoped you were ready for whatever the world had to offer. Chances are, you were startled to learn that some people were not dependable. Some people were not in your corner. In fact, it turns out that many people didn’t concern themselves with you and your needs at all. Whew!

So here you are, not quite as new to the world and you wonder who’s your who? Who is the person, or who are the people you can go to when life is chaotic and stormy. Who will stand up with you when you’re wrongly accused, or gossiped about? Who will encourage your work and your heart and mind when nothing makes sense to you? It’s important to know who your who is. Bob Beaudine’s awesome book, The Power of Who, might be a good one to read to help you figure things out. It’s likely that the people you would have identified ten years ago, are not the ones on your list now. If they are, then you’ve been blessed beyond measure because you know who to turn to when things are rough, or sad, or amazing.

It seems to me that this question is even more important today than it was a few years ago. It’s important because life is better when you know where to turn and who you can count on. Of course, we’re talking here about those who are a phone call away. Jesus does you one better. He’s your primary who because you don’t have to wait until He’s not busy to call Him. You don’t have to clean up the living room to invite Him over. In fact, you only have to think about Him and He comes running. He hears you call even before you pick up the phone. He anticipates your need and your heart’s desire. He knows you so well, He can enlighten you in an instant. Yes, Jesus is your best Who!

Today, write down three people you would consider to be your people, your intimate friends, your who’s. Send them a note and remind them that you appreciate them, and that you are right there with them in return. When you do, you’ll be able to step back with confidence and know that no matter what else is going on, you are safely connected to your primary Who, and these three others. Now, you’re a force to be reckoned with and that’s a promise!