John Piper said something akin to, “The biggest judgment of God on the world comes with the hardening of people’s hearts.” As we look at news reports from around the globe, and often right here at home, it appears that many people have become comfortable with walking along on stony ground, with stony hearts to match. I suspect we may not even be aware of losing our sense of humanity, goodness, and treating others the way we want to be treated.
So why have we put away the values most of us were raised with; the ones that suggest we help our neighbors, treat each other with kindness and respect, and make life a little bit easier for one another? Hard-hearted people spread fear and bitterness. We want more sugar, just not artificial sweeteners. We want genuine, meaningful, and abundant love to spill over and pour out on friends, family, and even complete strangers.
Life is a heart thing. Sure, we have to protect ourselves, but bitterness can’t be allowed to take root in the soul of our corporate humanity. Kindness means we are aware of others, willing to lend a hand, and willing to offer comfort and genuine caring. God extends to each of us the gift of grace and kindness. He gives us a heart born of love! Why? Because love is God’s operating power, His bottom line, the thing He’d like us to understand even if we don’t get anything else while we’re on earth. Love turns the world right side up again.
So More Sugar and Less Vinegar!
We don’t have to be theologians or politicians or scientists or rock stars to simply be a little kinder. As Mother Teresa said, “We want to be the living expression of God’s kindness.” We want to set our humble hearts at the feet of a Savior who forgives our rudeness and shortcomings almost daily, and be people who bless each other’s lives. God wants us to carry His genuine sweetness into the lives of others as a reflection of His compassionate heart. God sends His love to everyone, even to those who don’t acknowledge He’s there. He works all things together for the good of His creation. Imagine what it would mean to each of us if everyone worked for the good of others.
Open your kind and generous heart to God, so He can give you a little more power, fueled by love. He’ll throw in some grace and mercy and forgiveness too because those are the tools of His trade…and yours. Be sweet! Be loving! Let your soft heart lead you into a life of kindness. You can save the vinegar for your French fries!