Romans 8:28 is fairly well known among Bible readers. It’s a great scripture that helps identify a part of the work God does in our lives. The NIV version says: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

If you’re a believer, then you know firsthand that God works. You know you can take this statement personally. You know God works on your behalf all the time. He works when you forget to call His name and He works when you lose your way. He works when you are doing everything you can to please Him and when you struggle to understand Him. God works with you and without you. He knows what you need and often supplies for that need before you even ask. God doesn’t take a rest simply because you didn’t say your prayers. He doesn’t stop sending you opportunities to succeed. He wants you to always feel confirmed, cared for, and loved. 

If God had a service company that could fix anything, He might have a motto like, “There’s nothing you and I can’t handle together. No job is too big or too small. Just put it in our hands because God works every time.”  Since we know that in “all” things God works for our good, it’s safe for us to go to Him with every dream, every concern, and every confused notion we have. After all, you know God is not a God of confusion. He goes ahead of you to clear the path and help you see His hand at work. 

So, if God is at work on your behalf today and every day, and He’s called you to do the work you were designed to do, it looks like you’re in. You’re in His continual care and keeping. You’re in His hands, protected and loved, and you’re in His heart. All His ways are good because that is who God is. So, today, remember that God is ready to give you the works…mercy, peace, grace and love. Let your grateful heart experience the joy of trusting He’s always there for you. If you have any cause to doubt that idea, stop, and make a list of the things that are going right in your life right now.  Before you are done, you’ll know without a doubt that God works!

Now that you know God is always working for your good, what one thing can you do today to show your gratitude?