Since March 8th is celebrated as International Women’s Day, I’d like to dedicate this blog to lift up women around the globe. No matter where we live, no matter what our back story may be, we can learn from one another and equip each other to do the work we do in the world. Women of every age and stage face the critical bias of the times in which they live. Back in 1909 when the first Women’s Day movement began, it was about equal rights for women, and about giving women the right to vote in national elections. Now, over one hundred years later, we still find women around the world who do not have a say in what happens in their governments, or even a say over what to wear or how to live happily and well. This day is set aside to celebrate the achievements of women and the strides they have made toward freedom of choice and the opportunity to become all that they were designed to be.


Today we pray for the women around the world to be strengthened in body, mind, and spirit. We pray for their good health and for the options they have to live full and rewarding lives. We pray that every need they have, emotionally, physically, and spiritually would be filled by Your gracious hand. We ask for discernment and compassion to open doors that have been closed to them before. Give them the freedom to learn all that they can about their chosen field of discipline and help them become generous leaders in the work they do.

Look into the heart of each woman who seeks You and help her rise above the challenges and the obstacles that may confront her. Help women in every culture to lead with integrity, with intelligence, and with a heart for those around them. Inspire their thoughts with a desire to know You, the Creator of the whole universe, the One who knows each one of them by name.

Thank you for those women who have paved the way for better jobs, equal pay, and leadership positions. Help those who are broken-hearted and uncertain about where to go from here. Send them relief and renew their spirits. Empower those who are overwhelmed and sustain those who are working night and day to make a difference. Let every woman feel Your presence and know that you will provide the gifts and talents they need right now.

We pray for our grandmothers to be bold in their beliefs and blessed beyond measure.  We pray for married women and single women to be strengthened in every possible way. We pray for women who know exactly what they want to do to make the world a better place to be encouraged to do so. We pray for our sisters and daughters to be filled with love and possibility. We pray this will be the year of joyful celebration for women in every walk of life, every nationality, every faith, and every creed. Bless each one with Your grace and mercy. 

Thank you for being with women everywhere.
