I remember the first one. I was barely 30 years old, and it didn’t seem right for some strand of gray to show up in my hair. After all, I was way too young for that. Gray hair was for people who spent most of their days chatting about their newest aches and pains. It wasn’t for me.

These days, I realize it’s a privilege to get to have gray hair. I love the 2nd Corinthians 4 verse which reminds me that my body may be falling apart, but that isn’t all there is to me. No, my spirit is as young as ever. My spirit is being renewed every day. Now that’s impressive! That means as long as I have the willingness to keep trying, keep moving, and keep shining a light, I can. God is not done with us simply because we had to give up tight jeans and roller coasters. He knows our spirits are filled with His power, His grace, and His inspiration. So, how do we tap into that more fully?

We do it by remembering that every single day is important. Every moment is one we cannot retrieve apart from memory, and well, you know what happens to memory. So don’t worry about retrieving the past, just step up with all the power you can muster and give thanks. Thank God you are able, not only able, but willing to go out into the world no matter how many gray hairs may have shown up. Be grateful for the good you still can do. Encourage your neighbor, love others, shine the light of Christ. These are all things you can do simply because God’s Spirit lives within you and it is being renewed every single day. His living spirit is yours until the day you get your ticket to return home.

Proverbs tells us gray hair is a crown of honor. You earned it because you’ve been doing everything you can to live a good life. Though you may not have a lot of gray hairs for God to count or even if you have no hair at all, that doesn’t matter.  Your spirit is alive and well. God wants to remind you He’s still with you. Your spirit is radiant because it is made new every morning.

Your hope in Jesus does not diminish with age. Now get ready to do a happy dance and sing God’s praise.