Sometime during your teen years, you reached your adult height. You may have had a growth spurt that catapulted you from 5 feet something to 6 feet something, but you ultimately finished the race to be taller than your brother or sister. It was a milestone that you may not have even recognized. Growing taller though was just a part of growing up. Growing up is just a part of growing in other ways, growing in skill, in knowledge, in achievements, and growing spiritually. You may not get taller, but you can keep growing no matter how far past your teen years you happen to be. One of the ways that you can reach new heights is spiritually.
Paul prayed that those who believe would see in a new way, that they would have the eyes of their hearts enlightened, opened, made bigger. Your spiritual vision is important because it gets clearer as you learn, and grow, and study. You are gifted with greater discernment, and you develop a greater sense of what it means to be a child of God. It’s interesting that Paul prayed for this kind of sight because he too was blind. He too was unable to see what God wanted for him, until he encountered Jesus directly. Once he could see again and something like scales fell from his eyes, he was a new man. He had spiritual vision like few others in his day. That vision caused him to work through enormous difficulties and setbacks. He never let an obstacle or a challenge deter him from his mission. He never allowed himself to imagine that his work was doen when he had had a good day.
So what about us? Do we imagine that we get to age out of seeking greater heights in our awareness of God? Do we think for a moment that once we’ve gotten to a certain level, it’s all over and there’s nothing more to do? If so, we might have to check our spiritual vision. We might have to see someone who can help strengthen our insight and our view of the world. You can still reach new heights, open your eyes and see more of what God has for you. When you do, like Paul, I suspect you’ll never want to be blind again.
There’s something wonderful about standing in the light and shining so others can find their way. May the eyes of your heart be enlightened today.