The First Day After Christmas

If you stuck with tradition, it's likely that you still have scraps of wrapping…

The Gift of Christmas Memories

One of the opportunities we each have at Christmas is the chance to create new…

Let Us Adore Him

As we go through the Christmas season, we are enchanted by sparkling lights all…

Open House and Open Heart

Christmas is not for curmudgeons! Charles Dickens famed character of Scrooge…

When Heaven Comes to Earth

At this time of year, we're full of anticipation, hope for tomorrow, brought…

Zechariah and the Angel

Our personal prayers are often focused on one or two objectives. We need help.…

What Do You Want to Be?

Early on in high school, people start to ask you that big question, “What do…

We Gather Together

Happy Thanksgiving! Proverbs 15:15 says that a “happy heart is like a continual…

Changing Seasons

Life is a series of changing seasons, offering times when we grow, bloom, or…

Your Thoughts Run Your Life

Proverbs 4:23 says, "Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your…