The Ever Amazing You

Psalm 139:13-14 says, "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my…

Tears in a Bottle

Recently, I was drawn to a reading in Psalm 56:8, which says this:  "You keep…

Tis the Season of “I do!”

Summertime often brings a flurry of special events, and weddings are high on…

Listen Up

Most of us are good talkers. We like to share our stories and our…

Inside, Outside, Upside Down Faith

One of my favorite Berenstain Bears books is the one that tells the story of…

Dad's Home!

I grew up in a farming community called Sand Hill.  We lived in an old house…

"What Would You Have Me Do for You?"

A while back, I was honored to be inducted into the Unatego High School Hall of…

More Blind Guides

Remember the little fable about the blind men who come upon an elephant?  The…

You: "I'm Sick and Tired of Everything!" God: "Come to Me and I Will Give You Rest!"

A few years ago, I wrote a book called Your Promises from God Today.  The idea…

A Forgiving Heart

Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as…