Are You Still There?

As the New Year gets underway, I have a deep desire to send encouragement and…

Success Made to Last

Recently, I had the opportunity to be a guest on the author corner of Rick…

You Always Make a Difference

I got a very kind note from a friend the other day. She told me how much she…

Let's Keep Dreaming

Most of us remember the now famous speech of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as he…

Resolutions for Two

Since we're just getting into the New Year, I thought I'd share a personal…

Deep Knee Bends

You may not remember the last time you did some deep knee bends, at least not…

Prayer: It's Not about the Words

So, when it comes to praying, I'm fickle! Sometimes, I'm caught up in the…

Making New Year's Resolutions for Your Faith!

Sure, it's just December 29th, but it's time to start thinking about those New…

The First Day After Christmas

If you stuck with tradition, it's likely that you still have scraps of wrapping…

Let Us Adore Him

As we go through the Christmas season, we are enchanted by sparkling lights all…