Because Faith Matters

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to…

Of Blessings, Saints, and Shamrocks

You're probably wearing a bit of green today as you prepare your favorite…

Silver Linings

  For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says…

Finding Time...for God

  One of my more recent books is called, Got 10 Minutes…for God?  Since I…

"As I Forgive Those..."

Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as…

Don't Lock Up Love!

When love goes missing, some say “good riddance” because any excuse to cast…

A Little Scripture Gem

I was reading the story in Exodus where Moses picked 70 of his best and…

Shape Up!

A while back, I wrote a book called The Heart-Shaped Life Devotional.  The…

Lovable You!

Hello Adorable One! Oh, yes, that's you! You may not always recognize how…

Love Forgives

Forgiveness is sticky! We're grateful for it when we want God to forgive our…