Changing the Stories in Your Head
Most of us can probably relate to the psalmist, when he asked God, "How long…
Christmas Prayers and Blessings
It’s Never Too Late Zechariah and Elizabeth truly did what God said was…
Prayer: The Last Resort, or the First
Most of us have a personal definition of prayer. For some of us, it's a…
I Just Can't Pray Today
Sometimes we struggle with our connections to others. We feel estranged from…
When It's Not Possible
I’m pretty much an It’s Still Possible kind of believer. After all, I know that…
Lord, I Have Nothing Left to Say!
It's unlikely that you get to the place very often where you simply don't want…
Speak Tenderly in Prayer
Saint Augustine wrote: "To fall in love with God is the greatest romance. To…
Putting the P in Prayer
Sometimes people ask me what they can do to have a more fulfilling prayer life.…