Power Washed

I suspect we've all questioned whether or not God would show up right when we…

The Wonder Years

I always thought the "wonder years" were assigned to four year-olds who simply…

Pushing Your Buttons

Some things cause an immediate reaction. A balloon bursts, a car backfires, you…

You've Got Stories to Tell

A few years ago, I was asking God what my direction in life should be. You've…

The Incomparable You

Galatians 6:4 says, "Each person should test their own work and be happy with…

Give Me a Heart Like Yours

In my prayer time, I often ask God to change me, to give me a bigger heart, and…

A Spin on Always and Never

Most of us chuckle when we hear a phrase like, "I may not always be right, but…

What Should I Do from Here?

"He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." Micah 4:2, NIV…

Your Interior Designer

The artist, known as Grandma Moses wanted to paint and nothing was going to…

Pushing that Rock Uphill

The past couple years have been amazing. Who would have thought we'd volunteer…