Reaching New Heights

Sometime during your teen years, you reached your adult height. You may have…

Here Comes the Applause!

Ecclesiastes 2:24 gives us some advice about living our best lives. It says,…

Just a Little Off the Top, Please!

Spring and fall often bring out the pruning shears. We look at the hedges and…

The Gift of Yom Kippur

This year Yom Kippur began at sunset on October 4th and lasted 25 hours ending…

Be Happy

What makes us happy? Though variations on the usual drivers of our happiness…

If I Could Fix One Thing

Most of us like to fix things. We like to clean up a mess, renew an old piece…

Once Upon a Time

Day after day they tell the story; night after night they tell it again. Psalm…

When It's Hard to Say, "I'm Sorry!"

Some things in life take courage. Being a parent comes to mind, or moving to a…

Every Day Sheep

Have you ever wondered why Jesus compared His followers to sheep? After all,…

The Grand Generation

September 11th has been designated as Grandparent's Day. It's a day set aside…